Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Are you flirting ...eehm… with the camera? This ostrich was quite the male model: the red lips, the long eyelashes; all this for the female bird, its really strange. As if that’s not enough, the strutting and prancing around, {those legs I tell you, don’t get in the way of them} on the ostrich farm just outside Cape Point.

Another flightless bird: the penguin

Can you imagine the conversation here? To me it sounds like:” What do you mean I can’t go to the event tonight?”
“Well, we have to wait for your tuxedo to grow back on..”
While the third one thinks its better to leave at this point and check the waters at boulders near Simonstown.

“What’s with all the fuss?”

Seriously though all jokes aside, the African jackass penguins are on the endangered list as vulnerable. There is something we can do to help if you check on
Lets not have another extinct species on our hands.


Unknown said...

haha awww , we <3 penguins , they rock !

Steffi said...

Pinguins in South Africa!Really funny!But I know this already from your friends in Simons town.They said me that a pinguin walk often in their garden...Funny!
I hope Anne see the pinguins and ostrichs too when she is there.... ;O))
