Tuesday, March 3, 2009

According to http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/heard-it-through-the-grapevine.html heard it through the grape vine, meaning an indication that a piece of information was obtained via informal contact. Important news sent via telegraphs. Farm workers obtaining and sending out news while working the vines? Sounding familiar with today’s applications… Let’s see: Telephones, Cell Phones, Radio, Television, Printed Media and the Internet that’s really a lot of communication and information going about.

When taking these images of the late harvest of the “Hanepoot” grapes it only occurred to me afterwards one could start writing a book and indulge on information overload just alone on the origin of the vine,{in the Cape Region} the grapes , the area, where & how it is grown, the architecture of the original wine estate like “Groot Constantia”, how the grapes are harvested, when , what quality, how the muscadel wine or any other wine gets made etc etc etc and all that just around grapes.

Now my information to you via the click of a mouse {could that be a new song:" heard it through the mouse click?"} These deliciously sweet hanepoot grapes were bought from a street vendor near Muizenberg beach and some locals would say: “ hanepoot as sweet as “honey pot” it’s that characterful type of information {play with words} that surrounds us and really is the essence of the Cape.{apart of all the grape stories of course}

1 comment:

Steffi said...

Great story about the grapes.I like graps in various sorts...(wine or to eat).
How are you? I hope everything is okay!
