Looks really like the cape grape vines, the size and weight of them ,passionfruit, is unbelievable.
Never knew that they are so full of nutrients :
"tons" of vitamins and minerals.
Not to mention the exotic flower.
I have to make use of this platform to show off these glorious fruits, normally not something I would really mention, let alone boast about, but its extremely therapeutic. There is not even a tell tale sign that I do "gardening". Another reason to go on & on is that it is quite challenging to grow "food" near the sea approx. 2 km away within the howling, salt laden ever famous South Easter winds, the cape of storms. The soil is very sandy so "tons" of homemade compost has to come to the rescue. Now moles have discovered this is also a nice place to be,lets party especially near full moon. What really spurred this show off ,was the comparison to other grenadilla's or passionfruit, mine won hands down on beauty ,size and taste. These are incredibly sweet and with lots of flesh. Starting to sound like a advertising campaign but its really great to have backyard success stories. That includes the strawberries and cape gooseberry. These fotos are not made up or enhanced or taken off the web, they are real from Anja of one und only, nor is this story, its all true." Don't be so serious." I think I must start a Schmunzel ecke. [nice german word] Most of all I better get back to some art, hey but inspiration happens at every corner [of the eye]